Sunday 11 March 2018

The concept of PCOD

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In our day today life we experiences so many things around us. Its due to our Stress, Tension, Lack of concentrations ,etc. But we are keep on living our life without caring about ourself. I'm here to tell you about the facts, symptoms, preventions & precautions for PCOS. So many people doesn't know about this term as in life. Even I was not aware of such term previously later i got my ultrasound report there I got to know about it. This is Polycyst Ovarian Syndromes, which applies on women, First of all we should learn about the problem from how we get to know that we have this early, i.e. irregular menstrual cycle, oily skin, acnes (major on chin),facial hair growth and even unwanted hair growth all over body ,stomach pain on periods . Polycyst is that of follical little tiny eggs consist around inside lining of the ovary scientists say if woman has 2 of these criteria have PCOS, it causes 70% infertility,50% lack regular periods,30% have acnes,40% have facial/body hair growth. YES, it may be genetics if your mother has PCOS ,her daughter will have and even in  twin girls if one has this another would has this ,this demonstrated in studies. To analyse weather you suffering from it you must go for ultrasound, kidney-liver function tests also doctors recommend glucose is blood sugar so doctors ask you to drink a sugary drink and then get blood test on the water of every 2-3hours then it tells how she metabolising or processing her sugar level, the main focus that time is to check your insulin resistance because that is the key from where we get to know about PCOD. That pancreas working really hard try to get blood sugar into the cells of the body. Insulin at the ovarian level has different action specially it seems to increase the androgen level like testosterone , insulin resistance a component with many PCOS in addition there is increased amount of enzyme called Aromatase . Aromatase as patient have more body fat they produce more androgen into estrogens , this is the curious state having to many estrogens & androgen that cause a very stuck a mid cycle .

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There is a simple diet plan for it u must need to take more protein and zero carbs just like weight loss , you need to lose your weight in between the course of this issue.

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THE tea by which you will feel light and cut down your weight as well as PCOD is
Cinnamon tea with other ingredients too
1.     Ginger
2.     Mint leaves
3.     Honey (optional try to avoid any sugary substances)
4.     Green tea(organic)
Ginger is an anti-inflammatory can help balance your hormones, it stimulates effect on gland which promotes hormone balance which an issue of Polycystic syndromes (PCOS) it is really calorie free help meeting your weight loss goals
Cinnamon has unique ability to control insulin levels and decreases a blood sugar it speed of metabolism and helps to burn belly fat by suppressing appetite and insulin resistance is the major cause of PCOD .
Mint leaves has natural anti androgen properties it has the ability to lower both free and total androgen levels by reducing excessive oily skin and hair fall in women . It also turns fat into useable energy by making us slim.
Just make is like a tea by adding all these ingredients and boil it for 8-10 min in low flame.